Monitoring and Evaluation of the Security Governance Initiative

Ensured security through governance.


The Security Governance Initiative (SGI) was founded in 2014 as a multi-year partnership between the United States and six African countries. It offers targeted approaches to improving security through improved governance. SGI’s central objective is to support partner governments in developing sound policies and institutions to deliver security and justice to their citizens.


Dexis provided monitoring and evaluation services and produced focused, informed recommendations for Department of State regional bureaus to help shape SGI programmatic decisions. These included the Bureaus of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs (NEA) and the Bureau of African Affairs (AF), as well as functional bureaus including the Bureau of Counterterrorism, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), and the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs (PM). Dexis provided consistent, systematic reporting on program performance and informed the SGI coordination office on program impact. Dexis also developed processes for managing SGI data and providing usable products to communicate results to senior management and Congress.


Dexis conducted field assessments and interviewed ministers, officers, and other members of partner nation governments and militaries in Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Niger, and Nigeria. The Dexis team established data collection protocols with U.S. Government and partner nation stakeholders across a wide range of sectors, including the security sector (border security entities and the national police), the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Justice, the defense services (Army, Navy, Air Force), and civil society. Dexis also provided substantive analysis for Department of State and other strategic-level forums on security sector assistance and formally presented on monitoring and evaluation at regional seminars. Dexis personnel were sought out by other teams in the Africa Bureau for their programming and subject matter expertise, and worked to iterate on SGI processes in regional contexts outside of their country portfolio.