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Monitoring and Evaluation of Counter-terrorism Programs in Africa

Monitoring and evaluation for more effective peacekeeping and resilience.


The Trans-Saharan Counterterrorism Partnership (TSCTP), the Partnership for Regional Counterterrorism (PREACT), and the Africa Regional Counterterrorism (ARCT) programs are interagency, regional, multi-year programs, led by the Department of State with participation from the Department of Defense, USAID, Department of Justice, and others. These programs build partner nations’ capacity for conducting counter-terrorism activities through training, equipping, and advising local governments and communities and building infrastructure. Dexis, which has led monitoring and evaluation of TSCTP and PREACT since 2014, has been engaged to continue our support with the addition of the ARCT program through 2020.


Dexis supports these partnerships by developing comprehensive program monitoring and results frameworks; building program monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems and platforms including an online portal for all data collected; collecting data across the region through field assessments, site surveys, and semi-structured interviews of D.C.- and field-based stakeholders; and conducting performance evaluations to assess program effectiveness, results, and impact. Dexis collaborates with other M&E teams working on security sector assistance throughout the Department of State, Department of Defense, and USAID to provide a comprehensive understanding of the results of the TSCTP, PREACT, and ARCT programming.


Over the past several months, the Dexis team has conducted more than 40 field assessments in countering violent extremism and counterterrorism in more than 12 countries including Kenya, Burkina Faso, Djibouti, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, and Uganda. The team conducts robust M&E through in-depth field assessments and by fostering buy-in for data collection practices. The program supplies quarterly and annual reports, data for Congressional briefs, as well as country and sector-specific studies to show the overall regional impact to high-level stakeholders. Because of the success of the program, both Departments have replicated Dexis’ innovative M&E approaches in other areas.