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USAID/Honduras Conflict Sensitivity Integration Hub Activity (CSIH)

Dexis supports USAID/Honduras integrate conflict sensitivity through testing, learning, and adapting.


USAID/Honduras is committed to advancing the integration of conflict and violence prevention across USAID programming and increasing evidence-based learning on conflict sensitivity in Honduras and the broader Latin America region.

The Conflict Sensitivity (CS) Integration Hub (CSIH) is a field implementation learning program with a focus on testing, learning, and adapting. The activity is advancing the integration of a conflict and violence prevention lens and increasing evidence and learning on conflict sensitivity across the full spectrum of USAID programming.


In partnership with prime contractor FHI360, Dexis supports activities that build the evidence base and promote learning, including delivering tools, training, research, and analysis.


  • Conducted a Gender and Social Inclusion (GESI) analysis and action plan that details how the project can integrate GESI throughout its activities.
  • Primary contributor to the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Plan and Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting (CLA) Plans for the project.
  • Supported development of learning agenda by taking pulse on uptake levels and awareness among Mission staff
  • Facilitated virtual “So now what?” workshop for staff from USAID/Honduras and USAID/CPS/CVP to discuss how USAID can use peace and conflict assessment to inform current and future programming.
  • Developed activity mapping report to determine the most effective ways to engage USAID/Honduras, IPs, and other key local partners.
  • Conducted phases of Positive Partners Study to identify Honduran organizations that play (or have the potential to play) a positive role in fighting corruption and human rights abuses in Honduras.
  • Conducted a series of case studies to determine the effects of the project’s Peace and Conflict Assessments on the strategies and action plans of USAID/Honduras implementing partners.