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Rule of Law

Operational efficiencies at all levels of the judicial system

Since launching one of the first international rule of law development practices, Dexis (through Checchi and Company Consulting, a former subsidiary of Dexis now consolidated), has worked with judicial councils, courts, prosecutors, community justice centers, judicial training institutes, law faculties, ministries of justice, security sector institutions, traditional justice actors, bar associations, and civil society around the world.

We have introduced operational efficiencies at all levels of the judicial system to improve court management and administration, budgeting, information technology systems, and facilities infrastructure with the goal of improving justice outcomes and reducing case backlogs. We have also focused on legislative and policy reform, capacity building, and legal education.

Providing greater access to justice has been central to much of our work. Dexis is a leader in working with both formal and traditional justice actors to provide access to dispute resolution in countries affected by conflict or with remote rural populations. We have also fostered linkages among security and justice institutions to assist victims of domestic and gender-based violence through special courts that provide both medical and psychological support to mitigate revictimization.

Another focus area of our work is establishing more transparent and stronger business-enabling environments by streamlining legal/regulatory frameworks, supporting timely enforcement of judgments, and providing options for commercial dispute resolution.

Areas of Expertise

  • Access to justice
  • Alternative dispute resolution
  • Court administration and case management
  • Enforcement of judgments
  • Judicial training
  • Justice sector strengthening
  • Legal education
  • Legislative, regulatory, and policy reform
  • Security sector collaboration
  • Non-state justice systems (traditional and community-based)

Interested in joining us?

From recent graduates to experienced professionals, we hire exceptional people, give them challenging work, and then help them shine.