Dexis Awarded USAID ProIntegridad Activity in Mexico
The U.S. Agency for International (USAID) awarded the Company a five-year contract to implement Promoviendo la integridad y la transparencia en los negocios (ProIntegridad) Activity in Mexico.
USAID/Armenia Integrity Project
Dexis is helping reduce opportunities for corruption and reinforce public demand for improved governance and accountability in Armenia.
Dexis Announces Consolidation of Subsidiary Checchi
On August 1, 2021, Dexis Consulting Group (Dexis) and its wholly owned subsidiary Checchi and Company Consulting, Inc. (Checchi) were consolidated.
Checchi Helps Implement Online Mediation in Kosovo
When Kosovo’s courts closed in mid-March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, thousands of citizens with civil disputes were left with no way forward on their cases.
Combating Extortion: One Woman’s Fight to Make a Difference in Guatemala
When Emma Flores assumed her role as the Head Prosecutor in Guatemala’s newly established Office against Extortions, she faced an uphill battle.
Checchi Awarded New Contract in Armenia
In March 2021, Checchi Consulting was awarded a five-year contract to implement the USAID-funded Armenia Integrity Project.
Extension of the Mali Justice Project
In August 2020, Checchi Consulting received a two-year extension of its task order to implement the USAID-funded Mali Justice Project (MJP).
USAID/Mali Justice Project
Worked with formal and informal justice sectors and civil society to advance institutional reforms, increase access to justice, and reduce corruption in Mali.
USAID/Guatemala Justice And Transparency Project
Strengthening security and justice sector institutions to more effectively investigate, prosecute and adjudicate crime in order to reduce corruption and impunity in Guatemala.
Checchi Awarded New Contract in Guatemala
In April 2020, Checchi Consulting was awarded a five-year contract to implement the USAID-funded Justice and Transparency Project (JTP) in Guatemala.