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USAID/Moldova Effective Justice IDIQ

The goal of Effective Justice is to foster an efficient, accessible and transparent justice system that uniformly applies the rule of law.


Through the USAID/Moldova Effective Justice Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ), Dexis s Effective Justice is implemented nationwide, including national level institutions based in Chisinau, with legal professionals at all levels and across the justice and anti-corruption sectors including courts across Moldova, justice sector governance bodies, executive branch agencies such as the Ministry of Justice, National Anti-Corruption Agency, prosecution bodies, national training institutions and civil society organizations. Effective Justice is implemented by way of individual task orders, of which there have been three as outlined below>


Task Order 1 (2021 –2027) Model Court Initiative (MCI) provides targeted assistance to improve the functioning and services of selected model courts, and national level assistance to support the improvement of courts at the local level. The project has four goals: to deliver improved justice services, strengthen the connection between courts, communities, and system users, improve the judicial and legal environment for business, and strengthen the independence of the judiciary. The success of MCI Phase 1 (2021 – 2024) led to a recent extension for an additional three years (2024 – 2027) of program planning.

Task Order 2 (2022 –2023) Support to the Pre-Vetting Secretariat (SPVS) provided direct assistance in support of the Moldovan Government’s efforts to reform the justice system. SPVS established and supported a secretariat for the purpose of reviewing the integrity of candidates for the judicial and prosecutorial governance bodies — the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM) and the Superior Council of Prosecutors (SCP), and their boards.

Task Order 3 (2023 –2026) Justice and Anti-Corruption Reform Activity (JARA) supports efforts to implement justice reform and promote anti-corruption commitments within the context of EU integration. The project’s primary goals are: contribute to the monitoring and implementation of the Justice Development Strategy and its action plan; provide support to the National Institute of Justice; provide support to the Anti-corruption Prosecution Office and National Anti-Corruption Agency; and provide grants to civil society organizations to raise awareness and strengthening visibility of anti-corruption efforts among the public.


  • Successful implementation of three pilot model courts all of which achieved full Model Court status through strategic use of individualized Court Improvement Plans (CIPs) which allowed participating courts to achieve performance targets and spur additional efforts at court improvement among non-participating courts.
  • Conducted a baseline assessment of all district courts, which provided evidence to support the need for court improvement.
  • Developed national and regional Applied Political Economy Analyses to identify key social, political, and economic factors likely to influence opportunities and resources available to district courts, and best approaches to address current and potential challenges.
  • Developed an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) systems review report with guidance on recommendations for ICT solutions for Moldovan courts.