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Technical Support for Development of a Performance Monitoring and Evaluation System for USAID’S Bureau of Humanitarian Response

Checchi implemented a three year technical assistance effort to develop and install a performance monitoring and evaluation system for USAID’s Bureau of Humanitarian Response. Tasks included refinement of office level program performance indicators; development of baseline data and targets; review of strategic planning documents and performance plans; and development, testing, and institutionalization of results reporting tools. Among other accomplishments, the Checchi team developed the Humanitarian Assistance Results Reporting System (HARRIS) to guide USAID’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) and its implementing partners in preparing grant submissions and facilitate their reporting requirements. Over the life of the program, the team field tested HARRIS in four countries (Angola, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Bosnia) and organized ten technical training programs to institutionalize the new reporting system with OFDA and cooperating Private Voluntary Organizations.